L.E.G.O.-ist' Definitions

Mental L.E.G.O.

1.A mental L.E.G.O. is the simplest defined but variable range in which one can break a component of personality, understanding or determination of probable truth down to. Forming a framework for understanding and communicating where ones temperaments, attitudes, feelings or beliefs are most probable to reside at any given moment or time.

2. Mental L.E.G.O is the smallest discrete structure for constructing and containing the lowest most granular reducible elements of mental models which contain the wave forms of probable traights and attributes of Living Organisms, persons, systems and societies.



Mental L.E.G.Os

Universal L.E.G.Os are those Mental L.E.G.Os that relate to or are constructed around Archetypal Models which most people can relate to or see within themselves and others.

Examples of Universal L.E.G.Os are Cat to Dog, or the Primary Masculine and Feminine Archetypes according to Carl Jung of Lover, Warrior, Magician and King.

Mental L.E.G.O. Modules

  1. Mental L.E.G.O. Module is an organized set or compilations of individual Mental L.E.G.O.s which form the basis of the components of Many Mental Models and Structures.


Defining L.E.G.O.

Each letter in the term Mental L.E.G.O. is and of itself a L.E.G.O. with a slurry of probable definitions based on words that are derived from the Letter.